Add New when restarting loses Imports (Solution found)

I have a database of 30k+ images to use for the Abstract, Vincent, Artistic AI problem I am having with the Full Lifetime edition is that I imported a simple batch of a few 100’s closed the application and re-opened it nothing was saved in the list.

My question is (Without me having to re-invent the wheel or file structure) is there a way to mass import into deeparteffects without losing the current items on the list. I would make my own style.list file unfortunately I noticed it’s encrypted so making my own script to edit it is out of the question.

I could use the CLI and loop one by one but that requires java to turn on and off continuously and causing delays.

Best regards in hoping to find a adequate solution

Shawn Dion

Here’s the solution should anyone have this problem run DeepArtEffects in elevated administator mode as the file is created under appdata and may be subject to read write access.

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