Artistic AI - what does content weight do?

Hi there

I’ve been using the software for a while now and enjoying it, but I haven’t seen any explanation for what the content weight does? (Seeing how the ‘tutorial’ posted literally ignores it).

What does content weight do to affect the final output?

As u pull the slider to the left it blend the air overlay with the original image. So the effect is lighter. The trick is, you have to release the slider before it shows the change. If you keep the slider under your finger or mouse, nothing changes. It works great!

@Mtvargas1 that’s incorrect. You might be referring to the Intensity slider, which is a simple blend between original image and the output.

Artistic AI, Abstract AI and Vincent AI has a ‘style weight’, as you are creating your own new styles there based on the reference art you can use it to indicate how much of the style should be used.

Oops! So sorry! So I was , so I was. Hope I didn’t cause too much trouble. But I learned something from it! So thanks for that! Love the app, btw!

Thank you for the compliment