Command Line Tool issue

I’m trying to use the command line tool, but I get an error I don’t understand with the “render_segmentation.model” component of the application. The program seems to just hang forever after the second error below until I ctrl-C the command.

Any idea what the problem is? I tried doing the equivalent transform via GUI without any trouble.

Sample command line input and output:

C:\Users\mathe\Desktop\dae\Original>set @file=cave_garden
C:\Users\mathe\Desktop\dae\Original>C:\Users\mathe\Desktop\DeepArtEffectsCli.exe artfilter -input %@file%.jpg -output %@file%_wolf.jpg -stylename Wolf -intensity 80
waiting for core...
May 27, 2020 11:46:40 PM com.deeparteffects.core.d.a b
WARNING: Could not create Session for : render_segmentation.model
redownloading on use! Delete corrupt model**
May 27, 2020 11:46:40 PM com.deeparteffects.core.e.d a
INFO: Watching files matching [*.model] under C:\Users\mathe\.deeparteffects\assets for changes.
May 27, 2020 11:46:40 PM com.deeparteffects.core.e.d run
INFO: Starting file watcher service.
core initialized!
starting to render cave_garden.jpg with Wolf (1 of 1)
May 27, 2020 11:47:32 PM com.deeparteffects.core.d.b a
INFO: Add new model render_segmentation.model
May 27, 2020 11:47:32 PM com.deeparteffects.core.d.b a
WARNING: Could not create Session for : render_segmentation.model
redownloading on use! Delete corrup model

Try to use the function delete cache in the Info menu of the Deep Art Effects GUI to delete the corrupt model.

(In v1.2.1 it’s under the About menu, not Info.)

Unfortunately I still get the exact same error. Also, I don’t get this error when doing the same action in the GUI, only the command line tool.

Hi Cedric,

Any ideas on how to resolve this issue? Was really looking forward to using the command line tool for scripting =/