DAECLI Bug Fix (OpenCV) should you have it (Repost)

Messed up my first post dunno what happened the text had showed up in double with messed up fonts here’s a re-post

Having a great time with the DAE however this was bugging me (Following error message)

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by nu.pattern.OpenCV$SharedLoader (file:/C:/Users/User/Downloads/DeepArtEffectsCli-win-1.2.7/DeepArtEffectsCli.exe) to field java.lang.ClassLoader.usr_paths
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of nu.pattern.OpenCV$SharedLoader
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
Downloaded generated image. Saving…

The solution was quite simple to fix on your computer if you look at the destination folder
C:\Users<Your User Name>\AppData\Local\Temp\opencv_openpnp(some weird number)\nu\pattern\opencv\windows\x86_64 when running the CLI you will find a file called opencv_java430.dll copy this file at the same location as where you have the DesktopCLI tool installed then when you render a GAN for example the only screen message you will see is

Downloaded generated image. Saving…

Hope this helps everyone I’d host the file somewhere but I prefer you using a safe copy that is generated on your computer as these days can’t trust much online.

Also on a final note you need to run desktopcli and copy the file quickly as once the execution is done the file vanishes I suggest having the folder C:\Users<Your User Name>\AppData\Local\Temp pre open when you press enter to run the command. Maybe the dev team have a better way but for me this was the fix for this specific error.

Shawn Dion

That’s been there for years :frowning:

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The fix works though… even if it’s been there for years if you want to get rid of it this method works now I’m trying to fix your other question of using the daily and I have the answer for you today’s daily is 80268013-1b83-11e7-afe2-06d95fe194ed.model put that as the stylename as for me new bug that I need to resolve (Had not tried the function yet)

  • DAECli.exe artfilter -input test.jpg -output test2.jpg -stylename 80268013-1b83-11e7-afe2-06d95fe194ed.model

scaling to original!
waiting for core…
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by com.google.protobuf.UnsafeUtil (file:/C:/Users/shawn/Downloads/DeepArtEffectsCli-win-1.2.7/DAECli.exe) to field java.nio.Buffer.address
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of com.google.protobuf.UnsafeUtil
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
2022-04-16 13:17:46.512179: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:142] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2
Apr. 16, 2022 1:17:51 P.M. com.deeparteffects.core.e.d a
INFO: Watching files matching [*.model] under C:\Users\user.deeparteffects\assets for changes.
Apr. 16, 2022 1:17:51 P.M. com.deeparteffects.core.e.d run
INFO: Starting file watcher service.
core initialized!
starting to render test.jpg with 80268013-1b83-11e7-afe2-06d95fe194ed.model (1 of 1)
loading style…
Could not load File “test.jpg”… skipping
Apr. 16, 2022 1:17:51 P.M. com.deeparteffects.core.e.d run
INFO: a service closed.

Just love a good challenge. Edit: The lack of loading the test.jpg is that it cannot find the model style seems it reports the step before instead of afterwards if I find a solution on how to use other models I’ll make a new tutorial.

Ahh, I should have thought of the using the .model as a style (how dumb not to have tried it)

There’s a json file you can get via the developer’s section if you check the web demo (you’ll have to read the javascript to find it) - that’s a handy reference.

I tried a 1024x1024 image using Artistic filter this AM with max iterations - 4.5 hours - gave up very quickly (it goes a LOT faster with Russian box + GPU)

I want 3060 support so I can play with the proper style transfer stuff - not wanting to wait 4.5 hours or for Wars to end…

DAE is state of the art - sadly the art is three years plus old :frowning:

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@Peardox you are not dumb far from it , you use programs the way they are supposed to be. Me on the other hand had no issues reformatting my pc 10 times a day and well the path variable via
set JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx256m" to whatever size I want including other variables to make my life easier heck until I figured out you could use the arrows to fine tune a number in DAE desktop I had cheatengine opened to change the iteration numbers (Talk about going the complicated route) as for doing crazy things like you do I wanted to know if random was infinite or finite and well it’s finite you have about 1030 randoms you can get but after looking up one of the random images it matched painting cutouts so I made my life easy I went to National Gallery of Art online and grabbed some art types to add to DAE. Thanks for the java tip I’ll take a look at it as for DAE 3 years of age some things need a bit of love but the workarounds are less painful than doing a python neural style and generating the model files myself (82+ hours on my pc for each one). Well I did a fun trick with DAE for easter take a picture of a egg clipart of easter black and white and run it in DAE I used it with a tool to cut masks and well I picked up 1.2k of easter eggs in high def for a clipart collection. Enjoy the rest of the week-end myself I’ll see how far I can go with DAE.