Diagonal line through original image?


I uploaded an image, but when I select any style, the image gets a diagonal line through it and does not render. Please see screenshot. Thanks!

There is an option to split an image in 2 to show the original image compared to the enhanced image. The options are on the left side at the bottom corner. You can actually slice it into other shapes and put a picture in a picture type view. This may not be the issue with your picture. I just know that is something I personally would have done not knowing it continued until turned off.

I hope it helps.

Yep, that’s it. Thank you!

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I apologize for not getting back to you sooner but I just checked my email. I get behind sometimes. Lol.

I am so happy that worked for you. I’m not very technical so that’s probably the extent of my expertise. HAHA!

Have a great weekend!