Problem connection aws - swift


I have a problem with the aws server. I have entered the apikey, accessKey and secretKey in the project Xcode of example. But, not works. Why?


Error occurred: Error Domain=com.amazonaws.AWSAPIGatewayErrorDomain Code=1 “(null)” UserInfo={HTTPHeaderFields=<CFBasicHash 0x283c64d80 [0x1fc7435e0]>{type = immutable dict, count = 10,
entries =>
** 0 : x-cache = <CFString 0x282782280 [0x1fc7435e0]>{contents = “Error from cloudfront”}**
** 1 : Content-Type = <CFString 0x282780f00 [0x1fc7435e0]>{contents = “application/json”}**
** 2 : x-amzn-errortype = <CFString 0x282781890 [0x1fc7435e0]>{contents = “ForbiddenException”}**
** 3 : x-amzn-requestid = <CFString 0x283c62000 [0x1fc7435e0]>{contents = “80406f6e-72ae-4fa9-b852-126ac14df5cd”}**
** 4 : Via = <CFString 0x280df81e0 [0x1fc7435e0]>{contents = “1.1 (CloudFront)”}**
** 5 : x-amz-apigw-id = <CFString 0x282782040 [0x1fc7435e0]>{contents = “DCfglETVjoEF2GQ=”}**
** 6 : Date = <CFString 0x282781fe0 [0x1fc7435e0]>{contents = “Tue, 12 Nov 2019 09:19:50 GMT”}**
** 7 : x-amz-cf-pop = MXP64-C1**
** 10 : Content-Length = 24**
** 11 : x-amz-cf-id = <CFString 0x280acf4d0 [0x1fc7435e0]>{contents = “UTbJS11nUM2e75F5CU3X_ZWzfljQQ9v7-qwBLp2U82ljdc808dgzvA==”}**
, HTTPBody={
** message = Forbidden;**

Thanks for your help! :wink:

You have to choose a usage plan. Please choose Test Usage Plan for testing.