Product will not resize to fit my monitor space

I just purchased the package and installed it but when I open the app I can not resize the app to fit into the space of my monitor. The side top and bottom arrows do NOT work. The corner arrow’s crash the app.

Hello @dchaffin , welcome to our forum. Can you please tell me which OS you are using? Windows, Mac or Linux? We will look into your issue as soon as possible.

Sorry, I have corrected the problem and this is no longer an issue. Now to learn this new app.

Hello @dchaffin , happy to read that your issue has been solved. If this is the first time you are using our software, I’d like to suggest to take a look at our faq and tutorials section.
You can find it here: Tutorials & FAQ - Deep Art Effects

Feel free to reach out to us through the forum or the chat support on our website, if you need any assistance.
Have a great day.

With kind regards,
Deep Art Effects support