Software Freezes when loading an image

We’ll need to identify which other software is causing this. So initially we’ll have to check your machine before we go on to your network.

We’ll need an export of the processes running when your deep art effects styles download gets interrupted
You can’t do this using the task manager itself, but you can use the built-in tasklist command line program to do it. Open a command prompt and use the following commands:

  • Type tasklist to output a list of all the currently running processes
  • To output as a csv, type tasklist /FO csv
  • To save the output of the command line to a file, add > filename.csv to the end of the command; for example, tasklist /FO csv > "%userprofile%\desktop\tasks.csv" .

For full documentation on the various options for what to output, type tasklist /? into the command prompt.

You can send it to my colleague Julia (julia at

Hello Memnon. I will create documentation, but the CPU version runs with no problems. I can also use StartDAE to launch, but still does not seem to be using GPU. I am mostly interested in this product for video production/creation/inspiration, which is why the GPU is necessary in order to save vast amounts of time (and electricity :wink: )

@kingofpain thanks for confirming the CPU version runs without problems. So in that case, there is no local issue preventing the download and the issue might be something else entirely.

With regards to the GPU based.
Please make sure you have followed How To: Install Deep Art Effects GPU exactly. Often mistakes are made by incompatibility of the videocard, or the wrong placement of the cudnn or the fact that Cuda 10 is then used and not Cuda 9.0 as is intended.

I have the same problem. When I add a photo, the program stops when I download styles.

I am using the CPU version.

I also used the solution suggested by Memnon. I downloaded assets from and copied to the .deeparteffects folder. Unfortunately, this solution also does not work. After copying assets I start the program. When the program is stuck on downloading assets, then I check the .deeparteffects folder and all files are deleted by the system or the program there.

How to run the program correctly?

In hyperlink is my debug.log.

Best regards

Thank you for providing those details I’ll have to ask @deeparteffects to take a look at your debug logs. Will let you know if something comes up.